Generative AI
Building Trust Inside and Outside City Hall
Date TBA
11:00am MT
To make the most of generative AI to communicate with residents, innovators in city government are building trust with residents that the systems are safe and accurate and help solve their problems. Join this session to learn how to deliver better resident communications and a foundation of trust using AI.
To make the most of generative AI to communicate with residents, innovators in city government are building trust with residents that the systems are safe and accurate and help solve their problems. They’re also working to earn the trust of others in city government that the tools don’t undermine what’s already working and the policies that guide how services are delivered. In this webinar, you’ll hear from municipal innovators from mid-size and large cities how they’re delivering far better resident communications than they could before with AI and a foundation of trust.
​Key take-aways include:
Generative AI can make communication between residents and city hall more effective, more relevant, and more efficient
AI and non-AI communications both require trust, and trust-building is a process, not something you can procure
Generative AI offers tools to demonstrate and document that trust-building that would be difficult with non-AI tools
If you are in need to deliver more timely, more targeted, and more relevant city information faster, this session will inspire you to deploy generative AI in a way that generates trust in your community and its services.
Public/Private Partnerships at the local and regional level
City Public Information Officers and their staffs
City Privacy Officers, CIOs, CTOs, Chief Innovation Officers, CISOs and their staffs
City Managers and Assistant City Managers
Early adopting Managers, Department Heads and Division Directors and their staffs
Elected Officials interested in municipal services innovation, AI, and data
Public Administration
Public Information Services
Law Enforcement/Fire/Public Safety
Revenue and Tax
Public Health
Election Administration
Land Administration
Transportation Planning & Management
Utilities Planning & Management
Economic Development
Urban Planning
Parks and Recreation
Public Works
Welfare and Human Services
Environmental Planning, Management, and Services
Risk Management
and more ...
Wednesday, 17 April 2024
11:00am - 12:15pm
All times in US Denver Mountain time

Dan Reus
Founder & Chief Instigator
Openly Distruptive

Dan Reus has over 20 years experience helping Fortune 100 firms and startups practice open innovation to connect with new and existing customers, partners, opportunities, technology and ways to operate. Dan has worked with over a thousand startups, strategics, non-profit leaders, and investors. He provides innovation program development and management, coaching and advising, ecosystem mapping and engagement, public speaking and workshops on how to disruptively innovate as part of a larger wave of disruption. He works with clients from ag/food, consumer products and services, deep tech, healthtech, professional services, biotech, entertainment, publishing industries.
It’s hard to keep your eyes open to the forest and the trees and stay focused while trying to build something no one’s ever seen before. Innovation Advising is for you if you’re working on something never seen before and need an innovation ally to help you navigate the opportunities and challenges arising, especially if you don’t want a big firm’s fees for helping you. Innovation Advising includes regular conversations with Openly Disruptive’s Dan Reus, talking through your opportunities and challenges and helping you understand how you want to act on them, connecting the dots to emerging leaders, tech, and ideas adjacent to your strengths, and holding you accountable so you can fully focus on building something amazing.
The World Geospatial Industry Council is an association of companies representing the entire ecosystem of geospatial industry. WGIC endeavors to enhance the role of the geospatial industry and strengthen its contribution in global economy and society. We facilitate exchange of knowledge within the geospatial industry and co-creation of larger business opportunities for the geospatial industry. We represent business interest, share perspectives of the geospatial industry and undertake policy advocacy and dialogue with public authorities, multilateral agencies and other relevant bodies.
The National League of Cities (NLC) is an organization comprised of city, town and village leaders that are focused on improving the quality of life for their current and future constituents. With nearly 100 years of dedication to the strength and advancement of local governments, NLC has gained the trust and support of more than 2,700 cities across the nation. Our mission is to relentlessly advocate for, and protect the interests of, cities, towns and villages by influencing federal policy, strengthening local leadership and driving innovative solutions.
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