Date TBA
Using GIS for
ROW Permitting
Right-of-Way (ROW) permitting can be a time consuming and costly exercise for local governments. New geospatial and GIS technologies can provide improved accuracy, efficiency, collaboration and costs savings. Attend this session to learn more.
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Right-of-Way (ROW) permitting - the process of obtaining permission to use public or private property for a particular purpose, such as constructing a road, installing utility lines, or performing maintenance work - can be a time consuming and costly exercise for local governments. New geospatial and GIS technologies can provide improved accuracy, efficiency, collaboration and costs savings.
Challenges and best practices: Right-of-way permitting can be a complex and challenging process, and there are many potential pitfalls to avoid. Some best practices for successful right-of-way permitting include early engagement with stakeholders, clear communication and collaboration, and adherence to regulatory requirements.
GIS Solutions: attend this session to learn about key geospatial and GIS technologies that assist in the ROW permitting process,
Government & Municipal transportation officials
City/Urban Planners
Mapping Technology Decision Makers
Smart City Innovation Leaders
State and Local Government CIO/CTO/IT directors
Public Works Asset Managers
Parks & Recreation
Transportation Departments
Traffic & Transit Engineers
Transit Planners and Administrators
Transportation & Regional Planners
Engineering & Design Consultants
Project Engineers & Managers
Airport Operations
Public Works Managers
Permitting process: The right-of-way permitting process typically involves several steps, including application, review, approval, and issuance of a permit. The process may also include public notice and comment periods, as well as environmental assessments and other requirements.
Permitting requirements: The requirements for obtaining a right-of-way permit may vary depending on the location and purpose of the project. Some common requirements include detailed project plans, environmental impact assessments, traffic control plans, and insurance and bonding requirements.
Types of right-of-way: There are several types of right-of-way, including easements, licenses, permits, and franchises. Each type has its own set of rules and requirements, and the process for obtaining them may vary depending on the location and purpose of the project.
Roles and responsibilities: Right-of-way permitting involves various stakeholders, including government agencies, property owners, utilities, and contractors. Each party has specific roles and responsibilities, and it is important to understand the legal and regulatory requirements for each.

This event may qualify for GIS Certification Institute continuing education credits.
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Joe Smith
Title, Company
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices feugiat sem, eget dapibus nibh ullamcorper vel. Integer volutpat tortor ut massa fermentum congue. Morbi vel sollicitudin est, vel faucibus odio. Aenean ornare diam ac odio sagittis, vel varius ante tempus. Sed semper lacus lorem, ornare vulputate sapien porta ut. In euismod turpis ac mattis sollicitudin. Vestibulum velit quam, auctor in tincidunt quis, varius ac ante. Mauris porta erat tempor sagittis adipiscing. Phasellus venenatis pretium libero, vel sagittis lacus rhoncus vel. Integer fermentum suscipit leo ac molestie. Nullam ac lobortis nisi, a adipiscing eros.

Susan Jones
Title Company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices feugiat sem, eget dapibus nibh ullamcorper vel. Integer volutpat tortor ut massa fermentum congue. Morbi vel sollicitudin est, vel faucibus odio. Aenean ornare diam ac odio sagittis, vel varius ante tempus. Sed semper lacus lorem, ornare vulputate sapien porta ut. In euismod turpis ac mattis sollicitudin. Vestibulum velit quam, auctor in tincidunt quis, varius ac ante. Mauris porta erat tempor sagittis adipiscing. Phasellus venenatis pretium libero, vel sagittis lacus rhoncus vel. Integer fermentum suscipit leo ac molestie. Nullam ac lobortis nisi, a adipiscing eros.

Andrew Chan
Title, Company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices feugiat sem, eget dapibus nibh ullamcorper vel. Integer volutpat tortor ut massa fermentum congue. Morbi vel sollicitudin est, vel faucibus odio. Aenean ornare diam ac odio sagittis, vel varius ante tempus. Sed semper lacus lorem, ornare vulputate sapien porta ut. In euismod turpis ac mattis sollicitudin. Vestibulum velit quam, auctor in tincidunt quis, varius ac ante. Mauris porta erat tempor sagittis adipiscing. Phasellus venenatis pretium libero, vel sagittis lacus rhoncus vel. Integer fermentum suscipit leo ac molestie. Nullam ac lobortis nisi, a adipiscing eros.
Date TBA
All times in US Mountain time
10:15am - 10:30am
Local Government Case Study
Speaker, Title, Company
A representative from a government agency that has successfully implemented geospatial technologies for ROW permitting will share their experience. They will discuss the challenges they faced, how they overcame them, and the benefits they have seen from using geospatial technologies. They will provide examples of specific projects that were made easier or more effective with the use of geospatial technologies.

10:30am - 10:45am
Technical Overview
Speaker, Title, Company
A technical expert will provide an overview of geospatial applications that are used for ROW permitting. They will show how the application works, how data is collected and analyzed, and how it can be used to streamline the permitting process.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices feugiat sem, eget dapibus nibh ullamcorper vel. Integer volutpat tortor ut massa fermentum congue. Morbi vel sollicitudin est, vel faucibus odio. Aenean ornare diam ac odio sagittis, vel varius ante tempus. Sed semper lacus lorem, ornare vulputate sapien porta ut. In euismod turpis ac mattis sollicitudin. Vestibulum velit quam, auctor in tincidunt quis, varius ac ante. Mauris porta erat tempor sagittis adipiscing. Phasellus venenatis pretium libero, vel sagittis lacus rhoncus vel. Integer fermentum suscipit leo ac molestie. Nullam ac lobortis nisi, a adipiscing eros.